Friday, August 29, 2008


Or also known as K-suerte, delicious mouth-watering cookies. K-suerte cookies and cards are a wonderful combination for any event, party or "lay on the couch and watch Lifetime for 12 hours" day. These amazing cookies come in a variety of flavors and can be purchased through their site K-suerte cookies are baked fresh for your order to give you the best quality upon arrival and should be eaten as soon as possible. The cookies are handmade fresh without preservatives. So stop on over and pick up a dozen or 100, you won't be disappointed.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Got Big Thumbs?

Author Martin Dawber and Anova Books will be publishing "The Big Book of Contemporary Illustration" early next year. I happy to announce that I will be one of the 400+ designers/illustrators to be included in this book. It will be the largest resource book of it's kind for this subject matter.

The book will be published in UK for worldwide distribution. It it will not be a 'show-and-tell' book but more of a visual source book for creatives to dip into to gain insight and inspiration for their own work.

A handful of my illustrations were chosen and I am thankful and glad to be included in such a large book/project.

Check out

Good food + Good art

I'm pleased to announce that Pier 74 in Ceder Lake, will be displaying my artwork as a local artist of the month for the month of November. I've selected a handful of my portraits (about 16 total) to decorate the walls of this fine eatery. So stop by and pick-up a bit to eat and look at some of my artwork. The restaurant is located at 13125 NE Lake Shore Drive in Cedar Lake, IN.

I would just like to thank Ryan Spencer for this wonderful opportunity.

Visit them online at