Monday, July 7, 2008

North Township Trustee New Logo

Creating the identity for a government office is not the most exciting project at face value. But after finishing this new logo for the North Township Trustee of Lake County, Indiana I have a better understanding of what this office does for the under privileged people of our area. From providing rides to meals and aid the NTT helps people in need. The new identity reflects this service that the Trustee provides. The logo depicts people standing in line with the first person in the head of the line getting help or receiving aid from the people on the right hand side. They are lifting them up and putting people back on their feet. The figures all create the initials of the Trustee N T T. The complementing typeface mimics the shapes of the people in the mark and is a soft yet strong face that holds up well at small sizes or in one color.

To find out more about what the North Township Trustee provides visit their website at
I am also designing the website with, CNI Services, which should be completed in the next few weeks.

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